The Babylon

The Babylon Bar and Grill


$.85 Wings & $12 Beer Buckets All Day Every Day



Babylon Bar and Grill is dedicated to providing an unforgettable experiences. Stacked with quality American food, great specials, diverse entertainment. The Babylon has something for everyone.

Daily Specials

Every day there is another reason to check out The Babylon Bar and Grill. Scroll to see what we have in store.


Babylon Daily Specials!

Tuesdays - Taco Tuesday! $1/2 Price Margaritas!

Wednesday - Steak Night! 8oz Sirloin w\ 2 Sides, $13.99! 4pm-10pm

Thursday - Bar Trivia @ 7:30pm (free prizes)

Friday - Rotating drink specials! DJ starts @ 9pm. Late night menu till 12pm!

Saturday - Rotating specials. Stop in to see what this week has in store and what Bands will be playing!

$.85 Wings, BOGO Bombs, $12 Domestic Buckets All Day, Every Day